TechEvolution, Inc.

Technology Evolves. Go with it.

Reliability & Uptime aren't just catchy words we casually use, it is a process we follow that is definable and repeatable. Reliability is what propelled us into the company we are today and is demonstrated by our relationships with our clients. After almost a decade, we have yet to see a client go.

The Process
            Analysis - Years of experience have shown us that companies, departments and users follow patterns. Their needs are similar.  Determining what software, hardware and desktop settings a subset of your employees require to perform their jobs efficiently is where we start.  Once we have a clear understanding on what they need, we can eliminate what they don't need through Group Policy (more below).
            HardwareProbably the second most misunderstood and haphazard part of small business networks next to proper maintenance is the hardware. The corner big box store is not the place to outfit your business.  They won't take your call at 10pm and guarantee you'll be functional the following morning at 8am.  This is where our relationship with Dell comes into play. We determine where system failures are likely to occur, what impact it will have on productivity and plan where the greatest gains versus cost will be by implementing solid hardware with redundancy and guaranteed onsite repair. We work with you to lay out a clear plan that moves toward reliability while being budget conscious.  If you're ready to scrap it all and build a parallel network, great. If not, we'll achieve the same goal over a period that fits your budget.  
            Installation - No stone goes unturned. We install new devices, software and set up user profiles with all their required settings while checking and reviewing every piece of your network from end to end.  The key at this point is the analysis data.  We test each component from the perspective of the end user as closely as possible. Our goal is to have every user be ready to sit down, enter a password and be productive immediately on day one.
            Maintenance - No network is reliable without having a skilled person heading off potential problems. Network systems log an immense amount of data which is critical to being proactive to repairs, not reactive after a system fails.  Servers and computers are checked for hardware, software and security errors. Backup mechanisms are verified working and data restores are proven functional.  Systems are reviewed for infections and updates. Networking is tested for speed, load problems and potential bottlenecks. Security is consistently checked to rule out intrusions. It sounds like an overwhelming list, but to a skilled person, maintenance can be performed reasonably quickly even on larger networks.
            Support - Availability to clients in a guaranteed time frame both virtually by remote support and on-site if necessary.  Problems are resolved quickly due to a consistent support technician assigned to your network.  You know who to trust with your data and feel confident they are familiar with the intricacies of your system.   

TechEvolution specializes in Microsoft Windows Server based networks that employ the domain structure for centralized security and utilize Active Directory for Group Policy enforcement on client computers.  Our goal with desktop security is straight forward: Give all users a consistent workstation functionality while safeguarding against unnecessary or unexpected changes.

Although our technology expertise extends to many operating systems, peripherals and proprietary electronic devices, we find the most reliable and cost effective method for small businesses to guarantee system stability is through the careful application of Group Policy Objects tailored to meet the client's needs.  The best part? If you're already using Microsoft Windows Servers, Active Directory and Group Policy is a built in feature waiting to be set up and configured.  As a business owner, you can't find a better way to cut down on unnecessary support costs than implementing desktop security.